Monday, March 9, 2015

Back to Blogging and The Five M's of Cabel the Pauper

It has been nearly a year since I have posted anything new here.  And what a year it was!  I shall spare the details for the sake of my readers and myself.  All you need to know for the purposes of this long-overdue post is this: I've returned to playing Magic: The Gathering in real life at the same time I am reforming my writing activities on the Internet.

That means it's time to get back to blogging here after breaking several promises to update regularly about Magic Online and far too many other topics.  On this Monday, I will begin (again!) by directing your attention to the changes already made and my plans for the future.

First of all, this blogs description in the header has been shortened from its former declamatory incarnation to be more concise and accurate regarding the intended content.  I've distilled what I'll be covering to one main point and five other interrelated interests of mine worth writing about.  The most important is now listed at the top of the page and the rest of these - all beginning with the letter "M" by some strange coincidence - you will find in a revised list of links in the sidebar.

Magic: the Gathering will be what I post about the majority of the time.  It will not be about bourgeois Money Magic formats, which I oppose. Instead, this will be the place for what I have christened Rarity-Restricted Casual/Competitive styles of play.  I explained what this was in the post immediately preceeding this one three days shy of one year ago.  If you are unfamiliar with what this approach to Magic is, I encourage you to find out below or by clicking the link provided.

In fact, I intend to make it known to you and every other Magic player I come into contact with.  Much, much more on this in future posts.

Last, but not least, are the other Five M's of Cabel the Pauper.  I will elaborate on these sub-topics in the future.  For now, two elements of each are alluded to in parentheses as sub-headers for the new link lists featured to your right.  Here they are for reference below:

  • Marxism (Philosophy & Politics)
  • Meditation (Buddhist & Franciscan)
  • Music (Performance & Enjoyment)
  • Mixology (Professionalism & Recovery)
  • Media (Social & Traditional)

You'll note that there are five of these just as there are five colors in Magic: The Gathering.  The idea here is to connect these areas of interest and inquiry to the game itself, as well as combine them together in the same way the five colors join forces into guilds, shards, and wedges.

Perhaps someday I'll be good enough a writer to compose a piece that connects all six!  But that post is for another day and, after having said all that needs to be said for now, this post itself has become too magniloquent.

In closing, I hope you enjoy the new format and subject matter.  This time I make no promises with regard to a set blogging schedule. But I plan to explain reasons for returning to playing Magic: The Gathering in real life as opposed to Online; for returning here instead of continuing to post elsewhere on the Internet; and for settling upon these specific five topics.

It's good to be back!  Thanks for reading and following along and good luck to the Standard Pauper players still struggling with Magic Online.  Peace,

- C

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