Sunday, January 5, 2014

Weekend Update: 2014 Posting Schedule

For the first Weekend Update of the New Year, I'll fulfill my promise made in my Holiday Update as to how updates to this blog will look for the rest of the year.  Since then, the next edition of Standard & Pauper has been submitted and should see publication on PureMTGO soon.  The details of the 20th season of SPDC have been finalized as well. That leaves only a regular posting schedule for Cabel the Pauper.

And here it is!

But first, a little reasoning behind the time table: I found last year that posting twice daily was too much work. Even after reducing this I found that once a day was still too difficult to fit into real life demands.  My hopes of a site that published daily content about Standard Pauper seemed dashed.

But this is okay in the end because others are posting regularly as well (check them out on the sidebar of this blog).    A daily stream of submissions has can be achieved by circumstantial collaboration so that no one person has a post-a-day responsibility that, in the end, is too demanding.  So since Gwyned over at Writer Adept has announced his intent to post three days a week, I'll fill in the holes on the four remaining days.  This leads me to present to you the 2014 blogging schedule for Cabel the Pauper:

Mondays - The Monday Metagame Report 
This feature will appear a few hours prior to the MPDC tournament and will contain all the updated metagame information compiled from the previous weeks' MPDC and SPDC tournaments.  This column will always be about Standard Pauper.  
Wednesday - Wacky Wednesdays!
This silly feature from last year will continue, if only for my own selfish amusement.  I will at least try to be funny here once a week while discussing pretty much anything Magic related that strikes me as wacky.  I'm sorry if I do not succeed :-D
Fridays - Freestyle Fridays 
All those non-Magic related topics mentions in the blog description are reserved for this column.  Even though they seem unrelated to M:TG, the goal here will be to find hidden parallels.   Expect more philosophy and pop culture themed posts than anything else.  Or, if the last night's SPDC event was particularly exciting, I'll provide a tournament report like the last one.  The point is to provide me with the freedom to do one or the other as circumstances permit.
Sundays - The Weekend Update 
Finally, this will be similar to the Freestyle Friday format, but will only ever focus on either Standard Pauper or other Rarity Restricted Casual Competitive formats on Magic Online.  The Update portion itself will contain announcements for Standard Pauper events in the upcoming week and a quick wrap-up of the best format coverage elsewhere on the web during the past week.  The rest of the post will essentially be my Sunday morning "talking head" style of editorial, mostly focusing on what I've been playing on MTGO, or some metagame comments that will be elaborated on as the next week of updates to  follow.

There you have it!   I'm looking forward to writing these pieces all year, hopefully improving my writing and Magic playing skills in the process.  These are two of my main personal goals in the New Year.  I've been successful in all the other ones I've made for myself by taking things one day at a time.  One play at a time, the best one I can with what the shuffler deals me.

I hope you enjoy the rest of the year and meet your goals, too.   Until next year, it will go without saying: Thanks for reading and good luck & have fun!  Peace,

- C

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