Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Wacky Wednesday: Color Screw is Whack!

You know, while I do love this game, sometimes I hate it.  The color wheel may be the nuts and bolts of Magic, but sometimes it just acts like a wacky screw.  Especially if you're going for two-color Aggro like Boros in Standard Pauper.

I ran into a lot of color-screw with Boros last week, but not this time.   I included two Prophetic Prisms and singleton Unknown Shores to assist my Gates to make sure I could cast my golden three-drops.  But I may have overcompensated:  I ended up trading color screw for tempo screw at some points (thanks, shuffler, for giving me all my color fixing by my first draw step!). Prisms did topdeck and manafix me to speed up a couple of starts. 

Unknown Shores, though?  See ya when I splash black for Crypt :-)  

I'm still a bit torn about color-smoothness in two-color aggro and a very, very bad mana base mathematician., are Prisms a good idea here?  I'm thinking of keeping them as the fourth and fifth cantrip to compliment Dragon Mantle.  They seem like a good way to get rid of whack color screw and provide a little extra gas to guild-based aggro decks.

What do you think?  Is raising the curve with a non-threat only going to hurt an aggro deck, or is this a better option than our "Shimmery" functional reprint...that...isn't too functional in this deck style?  Or just share you favorite color-screw-induced bad beats story :-)  Thanks for reading and have a Wacky Wednesday!  Peace,

- C


  1. The Unknown Shores isn't ideal in a 2 color aggro deck since all it's going to do is delay you a turn from casting spells, and the hands that have Unknown Shores and Gate/Plains/Mountain as the other land will make you vomit if you want to cast Halberdiers on 2. It won't happen often if you just run 1 Shores, but it is something you have to take into account. I think your 2 drop slot is where you might get into mana trouble since you have a RW 2 drop and a RR 2 drop that require you to have a Gate and a Mountain to cast them, not to mention you're missing on your 1 drop if you go turn 1 Gate. Personally I would cut the Prisms for +1 Plains and +1 Mantle. I'd probably even go -1 Shores +1 Plains as well. I'd want to consistently draw 1 white source for the Firstblades, not to mention you want to be able to cast Armor/Willing as well.

    1. Thanks for the suggestions, Marcos. I'll give those changes a shot. I'm also wondering about making the two-drop slot a little less color-intensive.
