Saturday, December 7, 2013

Weekend Update: Quality Over Quantity

If you are one of my handful of regular readers, you probably noticed I took a day off yesterday.  There was no Card of the Day or weekly column to speak of.  To be honest, I just didn't have the energy yesterday.  I had gotten back from playing a show at five in the morning. After something like that, I pretty much sleep and don't get up to do any work...unless it's to get back in the van and rush off to the next gig!

In any case, this missed deadline means it's time to pick up where I left off with the Weekend Update last week, wherein I allowed myself to write this weekend column instead of continuing with daily posts.  This seems like a good time to consider an even further reduction in content for two main reasons.

First of all is my own real life.  It seems two posts a day are too much to fit into my daily schedule, but I'm sure I can manage once a day and still get things up even when something extra like an on-the-road gig comes my way.  Also, like I mentioned last week, I'm still doing more writing about Standard Pauper than playing of Standard Pauper!  That might make for some well-written sentences and paragraphs, but eventually my topics (and my plays!) are going to be irrelevant if this imbalance is maintained.

This blog has to be about quality, not quantity.

And second of all, there is a higher quantity of quality Standard Pauper writings out there than ever before.  This blog is just one of many places reporting on the format, part of a recent mini-explosion of regular new content.  Even if I didn't update daily, one could still discover something new about Standard Pauper every day at other awesome sites. So my audience really doesn't need one guy posting a dozen times a week because there's half a dozen other guys posting once or twice.

So I'm concluding that two-posts-a-day was overkill; it was quantity over quality.  But the first couple weeks of posting too much wasn't without it's good side-effects.  It was fun, for sure, and I needed some technical practice with the new Blogger interface.  I had to come up with the themes to keep me on task, and I believe I will use them in future.  Sometimes I'll do a Wacky Wednesday or Top 5 Friday, and if I haven't got time for that sort of thing, a Card of the Day or some other short musing should do.

And some days, I think I'll just point you to other awesome Standard Pauper articles - they are popping up like wildfire.   Here's one the best I've ever read just to get started, from DrChrisBakerDC over at The Draft Brewery, Ten Reasons To Play Standard Pauper.  Enjoy!

I'll still keep the Weekend Update to let you know if any other changes to the Blog are in the works, or just continue random musings about Magic before taking my day off :-)  Thanks for stopping by and enjoy the weekend!  See you next week.  Until then, good luck!  Peace,

- C

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